About Rotary Means Business

   Rotary Means Business is a Fellowship of Rotary International

Today Rotarians are embracing the original foundations of what the Rotary Club was based on as we adhere to the Four Way Test.

This fellowship operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International.

Mission Statement

Rotary Means Business encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them, and by referring others to them.

“If any one tells you that it is reprehensible to make a dollar or two for the wife and babies from club associates in straightforward business transactions, tell that person that some foreign substance has gotten into his carburetor.”

(Paul P. Harris, January 1911)


Networking meetings are monthly and rotated around District 6950 at locations determined by the Host which may be the Host’s business. RMB6950 rotates
to a different Host each month. There is always plenty of great food and beverages. Please check the calendar page for upcoming networking meetings.

Below is the format at  a Rotary Means Business meeting for RMB6950. The format of meetings in other areas can vary.

Meetings are scheduled to be held at RMB member’s places of business or other locations. The original Rotary meetings were “rotated” at members’ business locations. The benefit to the host is that members and guests will get to know the business and the host on a more personal level. The meeting location and time are announced on the RMB6950 Event Calendar. Once the event is posted, an email goes out to all members of RMB6950. Members can register for the event directly on the website. In addition, announcements can be made by email lists, District 6950 website, Dacdb website, Social Media and  at your Rotary Club meetings.

The host will be responsible for organizing the meeting to include refreshments, name tags, sign-in sheet, etc. If the host wishes to share the expense of the refreshments, a collection can be made at the event.

The event is typically 2 hours long. The first half hour is comprised of networking and partaking of refreshments. The next half hour is opened with some short announcements and business items. Next, members and guests can provide a short statement about which Rotary club they are from, the name of their business and a very short statement of the products and services they provide. This is limited to 30 seconds to 1 minute max. The host will then provide the group with a more extensive presentation of their business which may include a short tour of their business if the meeting is at the Host’s business place.. The final time of the meeting will be a continuation of the members networking.